Santa Luzia

Commitment to our planet

We follow the principles of Regenerative Agriculture: An eco-intelligent agriculture and farming system based on returning fertility (microbiological presence) to the soil, eliminated by modern agriculture, through dynamic components.

  • Our fields are free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and transgenic elements.
  • Responsible water consumption through electronic soil moisture probes and sensors in the plants that indicate the water needs of the trees. Saving water without compromising the quality of the olives we produce.
  • Management of organic waste
    • The pruning remains are grinded on our ground generating a valuable source of natural organic matter.
    • The leaves collected with the olives are returned to the field, thus regenerating the agricultural soil.
    • The vegetative water, a by-product generated in the olive washing process, is treated with a natural decanting process and then used in spring as irrigation water.
  • The pomace, a byproduct generated in the process of extracting the oil, is treated and then spread on the soil as a vegetal fertilizer.
  • Recycling of inorganic waste, mostly deriving from the packaging of suppliers.
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